
Three Considerations for a Healthy Roster

Creating a healthy roster is essential for maintaining a productive, satisfied, and well-balanced workforce. Here are three critical considerations to keep in mind when designing your schedule: 1. Balance Workload to Prevent Burnout Ensuring that employees have a balanced workload is crucial for preventing burnout and maintaining high levels of productivity and morale. Overloading staff…

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S.A.F.E sleep and fatigue education

5 Benefits of Getting A Good Sleep

Sleep is essential for good health. In fact, we need sleep to survive just like we need food and water and we spend about one-third of our life sleeping. Why is getting enough sleep important? 1 Sleep can boost your immune system. Scientific evidence is building that sleep has powerful effects on immune functioning. Studies…

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Living with Shiftwork

Our workshop Living With Shiftwork has been running since 1995. It has undergone multiple changes as science has evolved, measurable outcomes are utilised and shiftworkers themselves are taught how to deliver the session. To help bring this to your workplace we now have it available via ZOOM – and groups are kept small to facilitate…

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Managing the 24/7 Workplace

Fiona has 20+ years of experience helping people manage sleep patterns, fatigue, shiftwork, and work-life balance in many industry sectors including aviation, transport, mining, health, and manufacturing. Her primary background is in occupational therapy where she has helped people with mental health problems, trauma and concussion, manage sleep and fatigue. In 1995 she founded Shiftwork Services in order to combine scientific thinking about sleep and fatigue with practical know-how to create safer workplaces. Achieving fast and inspiring results, Fiona has successfully worked with many companies including MPI, Spark, NZ Blood, Port of Tauranga, Office Max, Fonterra, New Zealand Deference Force, and many others, teaching their staff the formula for a relaxing sleep. Her work with Fonterra won the overall prize for well-being at the 2018 Safeguard awards. Fiona is a member of the Australian Sleep Association and New Zealand Occupational Therapy Association. Her book, Getting a Good Night’s Sleep, has…

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managing shiftwork

Living with Shiftwork

Fiona has 20+ years of experience helping people manage sleep patterns, fatigue, shiftwork, and work-life balance in many industry sectors including aviation, transport, mining, health, and manufacturing. Her primary background is in occupational therapy where she has helped people with mental health problems, trauma and concussion, manage sleep and fatigue. In 1995 she founded Shiftwork Services in order to combine scientific thinking about sleep and fatigue with practical know-how to create safer workplaces. Achieving fast and inspiring results, Fiona has successfully worked with many companies including MPI, Spark, NZ Blood, Port of Tauranga, Office Max, Fonterra, New Zealand Deference Force, and many others, teaching their staff the formula for a relaxing sleep. Her work with Fonterra won the overall prize for well-being at the 2018 Safeguard awards. Fiona is a member of the Australian Sleep Association and New Zealand Occupational Therapy Association. Her book, Getting a Good Night’s Sleep, has…

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Tips and Tricks to Survive Shiftwork

Transcript from podcast in which Dr Louise Kuegler from The Good Fellow Unit – Interviews director of Shiftwork Services, Fiona Johnston. Overview of Podcast: At some point in a health professionals, training or career shift-work will be required. 50% of shift workers will leave their position within the first six months, as they are unable…

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